Sunday, March 02, 2008

The One about Seven Things...

All more to go...I was tagged by my bff Kimmie G. to reveal seven strange or unknown things about me. Hmmm...

I don't know how strange any of these are...but they are unknown, for the most part...

1. I love action movies...the dumber the better. I also love scary movies. Unfortunately, Rit does not like either of these genres, so I typically watch these alone while working or working out.

2. I love playing video games. I have a PS2 for which Rit gives me a couple of games every Christmas. I don't have much time to play with it during the year, but I pretty much play non-stop over the holidays. I also love computer games.

3. I crave down time by myself. I need it. It keeps me sane. Working by myself in my studio all day is heaven to me. I can set my own schedule and I don't have to put up with annoying people. I love it.

4. Working in the yard is completely rejuvenating to me. I love to feel the dirt between my fingers and grass beneath my toes. Planting and weeding and watering is healing for me. I don't think I would survive living in an apartment in the city. The dirtier I get, the better.

5. I really enjoy cleaning the house. I am a whirlwind of activity when I set aside some time and put on an audiobook or some excellent music. I work nonstop until I'm finished.

6. I have really small toes. Weird, I know. They're like little sausages. And they curl under slightly which makes them practically disappear. Rit often wonders out loud how such small toes can balance my body. Nice.

7. By the time Rit leaves for work in the morning, I've already watched the morning news. So I usually watch "Saved by the Bell" while I eat breakfast. Wow. Now it's out. They say that the first step is admitting that you have a problem...

I'm so embarrassed.

Tag, you're all it.

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